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PrefaceОne hundred and twenty years after the eleventh-century manuscript of the Psalterium Sinaiticum was discovered by the Russian archimandrite Porfirij Uspenskij1 in the library of St. Catherine’s monastery on Sinai we now publish its original text, one of the most ancient witnesses of Old Church Slavonic. A second OCS Glagolitic manuscript from St. Catherine’s, the Euchologium Sinaiticum, which is close to the Psalterium in time and place of origin, was published in photoreproduction some 30 years ago.2 The purpose of this edition is to make available to Slavists, both linguists and palaeographers, and, to a certain extent, historians of Slavic literature and art, the authentic text of the Psalterium Sinaiticum. The two previous editions, in Cyrillic transliteration, are not a sufficient substitute for the original text: the first edition, that of L. Geitler,3 is based on a transcription of the Glagolitic text made during a very limited period of time and under difficult conditions, that is to say, within the limitations of the daily routine of the monastery (these conditions have changed little in the last 90 years, as I myself discovered during my visits there). The second edition of the Psalter, that of S. N. Sever’janov,4 is based mainly on photocopies made in 1907 by V. N. Benesevic. Sever’janov died in 1918, and the production of his edition was supervised first by Ju. V. Petrovskaja and then E. F Karskij, who provided a preface. СОДЕРЖАНИЕTitle [1] Psalms: 1.1-2 [3], 1.3-6; 2.1-2 [4], 2.2-9 [5], -//- [6], 3.3-9;4.1 [7], 4.2-8 [8], 4.8-9;5.1-6 [9], 5.6-11 [10], 5.11-12;6.1-4 [11], 6.5-11 [12], 7.1-7 [13], 7.7-14 [14], 7.14-18;8.1-4 [15], 8.5-10;9.1-2 [16], 9.3-10 [17], 9.10-17 [18], 9.18-24 [19], 9.25-26 [20], 9.26-30 [21], 9.30-35 [22], 9.35-38;10.1 [23], 10.1-6 [24], 10.6-7;11.1-4 [25], 11.4-9 [26], 11.9;12.1-6 [27], 12.6;13.1-4 [28], 13.4-8;14.1 [29], 14.1-5 [30], 15.1-6 [31], 15.6-10 [32], 15.11;16.1-4 [33], 16.4-11 [34], 16.11-15 [35], 16.15;17.1-5 [36], 17.5-10 [37], 17.11-16 [38], 17.17-24 [39], 17.24-31 [40], 17.31-35 [41], 17.36-42 [42], -//- [43], 17.49-51;18.1-5 [44], -//- [45], 18.11-15;19.1-2 [46], 19.2-8 [47], 19.8-10;20.1-5 [48], 20.5-10 [49], 20.11-14;21.1-3 [50], 21.3-11 [51], 21.11-17 [52], 21.18-24 [53], 21.24-28 [54], 21.28-32;22.1-3 [55], 22.3-6;23.1 [56], 23.1-7 [57], 23.8-18;24.1-3 [58], 24.4-10 [59], 24.11-18 [60], 24.19-22;25.1-3 [61], 25.3-10 [62], 25.10-12;26.1-2 [63], 26.3-6 [64], 26.7-12 [65], 26.12-13;27.1-2 [66], 27.2-7 [67], 27.7-9;28.1-4 [68], 28.5-10;29.1 [69], 29.2-8 [70], 29.8-13;30.1 [71], 30.2-7 [72], 30.7-12 [73], 30.12-17 [74], 30.18-23 [75], 30.23-25;31.1-2 [76], 31.3-6 [77], 31.7-11 [78], 31.11;32.1-6 [79], 32.7-11 [80], 32.12-21 [81], 32.22;33.1-8 [82], 33.9-16 [83], 33.16-23 [84], 34.1-6 [85], 34.6-11 [86], 34.11-16 [87], 34.16-22 [88], 34.23-27 [89], 34.27-28;35.1-4 [90], 35.4-8 [91], 35.9-13 [92], 35.13;36.1-6 [93], 36.7-12 [94], 36.13-19 [95], 36.20-26 [96], 36.26-32 [97], 36.33-38 [98], 36.39-40;37.1-4 [99], 37.5-10 [100], 37.11-17 [101], 37.17-23;38.1-2 [102], 38.2-7 [103], 38.7-13 [104], 38.13-14;39.1-5 [105], 39.5-10 [106], 39.10-14 [107], 39.15-18;40.1-2 [108], 40.3-9 [109], 40.5-14;41.1-2 [110], 41.2-7 [111], 41.7-12 [112], 42.1-5;43.1 [113], 43.2-7 [114], 43.7-14 [115], 43.15-22 [116], 43.23-27;44.1-3 [117], 44.3-8 [118], 44.8-15 [119], 44.15-18;15.1-4 [120], 45.4-12 [121], 45.12;46.1-10 [122], 46.11;47.1-9 [123], 47.10-15;48.1-4 [124], – [125], 48.12-19 [126], – [127], 49.10-17 [128], – [129], 50.2-8 [130], – [131], 50.15-21;51.1-3 [132], – [133], 51.9-11;52.1-5 [134], 52.5-7;53.1-6 [135], 53.7-9;54.1-5 [136], 54.5-15 [137], 54.16-23 [138], 54.23-24;55.1-5 [139], 55.6-14 [140], 55.14;56.1-5 [141], 56.5-12 [142], 57.1-4 [143], 57.6-11;58.1-3 [144], 58.3-9 [145], 58.10-15 [146], 58.15-18;59.1-3 [147], 59.3-10 [148], 59.10-14;60.1-4 [149], 60.5-9;61.1-4 [150], 61.4-18 [151], 61.10-12;62.1-3 [152], 62.4-11 [153], 62.11-12;63.1-6 [154], 63.7-11;64.1-2 [155], 64.2-8 [156], 64.9-14 [157], 64.14;65.1-7 [158], 65.7-12 [159], 65.13-20 [160], 65.20;66.1-8 [161], 67.1-7 [162], 67.7-12 [163], 67.13-19 [164], 68.1-6 [165], 68.6-12 [166], 68.12-15 [167], 68.16-21 [168], 68.21-28 [169], 68.28-34 [170], 68.34-37;69.1-3 [171], 69.3-4;70(heading) [172], 70.1-5 [173], 70.6-10 [174], 70.11-16 [175], 70.16-20 [176], 70.20-21 [177], 71.1-6 [178], 71.5-12 [179], 71.12-17 [180], 71.17-19;72.1-2 [181], 72.3-7 [182], 72.9-15 [183], 72.15-20 [184], 72.21-27 [185], 72.27-28;73.1-2 [186], 73.2-7 [187], 73.7-12 [188], 73.12-17 [189], 73.18-22 [190], 73.22-23;74.1-4 [191], 74.4-9 [192], 74.9-10;75.1-5 [193], 75.6-10 [194], 75.10-12;76.1-3 [195], 76.3-9 [196], 76.9-15 [197], 76.15-19 [198], 76.19-21;77.1-3 [199], 77.3-7 [200], 77.8-12 [201], 77.13-19 [202], 77.19-24 [203], 77.24-30 [204], 77.30-35 [205], 77.35-40 [206], 77.41-48 [207], 77.49-53 [208], 77.54-58 [209], 77.58-64 [210], 77.65-71 [211], 77.71-72;78.1-2 [212], 78.2-7 [213], 78.8-11 [214], 78.11-13;79.1-2 [215], 79.3-9 [216], 79.9-17 [217], 79.17-20;80.1-3 [218], 80.4-8 [219], 80.9-14 [220], 80.15-17;81.1-4 [221], 81.4-8;82.1-2 [222], 82.3-8 [223], 82.8-14 [224], 82.15-19;83.1-3 [225], 83.3-6 [226], 83.7-11 [227], 83.12-13;84.1-3 [228], 84.4-14 [229], 85.1-11 [230], 85.11-17;86.1-4 [231], 86.4-7;87.1-4 [232], 87.6-12 [233], 87.13-19;88.1-2 [234], 88.2-10 [235], 88.11-18 [236], 88.19-29 [237], 88.29-40 [238], 88.40-50 [239], 88.50-53;89.1-5 [240], 89.6-12 [241], 89.13-17;90.1-4 [242], 90.4-15 [243], 90.16;91.1-8 [244], 91.8-16 [245], 91.16;92.1-5 [246], 92.5;93.1-6 [247], 93.6-13 [248], 93.14-20 [249], 93.21.23;94.1-5 [250], 94.5-11 [251], 95.1-7 [252], 95.8-12 [253], 95.12;96.1-6 [254], 96.7-12 [255], 97.1-7 [256], 97.7-9;98.1-5 [257], 98.6-9;99.1-2 [258], 99.3-5;100.1-3 [259], 100.3-8 [260], 101.1-9 [261], 101.9-19 [262], 101.19-27 [263], 101.27-29;102.1-6 [264], 102.7-18 [265], 102.16-22;103.1 [266], 103.1-9 [267], 103.9-17 [268], 103.18-26 [269], 103.27-35 [270], 103.35;104.1-7 [271], 104.7-16 [272], 104.17-25 [273], 104.25-33 [274], 104.33-40 [275], 104.41-45;105.1-3 [276], 105.3-9 [277], 105.9-17 [278], 105.17-25 [279], 105.25.33 [280], 105.34-41 [281], 105.42-48 [282], 106.1-9 [283], 106.9-18 [284], 106.18-26 [285], 106.26-33 [286], 106.34-41 [287], 106.42-43;107.1-7 [288], 107.8-14 [289], 108.1-10 [290], 108.10-18 [291], 108.18-25 [292], 108.25-31 [293], 109.1-5 [294], 109.6-7;110.1-5 [295], 110.6-10 [296], 111.1-7 [297], 111.6-10;112.1-4 [298], 112.4-9;113.1-4 [299], 113.4-10 [300], 113.11-16 [301], 113.16-25 [302], 113.26;114.1-6 [303], 114.7-8;115.1-6 [304], 115.7-10;116.1-3;117.1 [305], 117.2-8 [306], 117.9-15 [307], 117.16-23 [308], 117.24-29 [309], 118.1-7 [310], 118.8-15 [311], 118.15-22 [312], 118.22-28 [313], 118.29-36 [314], 118.36-43 [315], 118.44-50 [316], 118.51-58 [317], 118.58-64 [318], 118.65.71 [319], 118.71-77 [320], 118.77-83 [321], 118.83-89 [322], 118.90-96 [323], 118.96-101 [324], 118.102-109 [325], 118.109-114 [326], 118.115-120 [327], 118.120-127 [328], 118.127-133 [329], 118.134-142 [330], 118.142-149 [331], 118.149-155 [332], 118.156-162 [333], 118.162-169 [334], 118.169-175 [335], 118.176;119.1-5 [336], 119.5-7;120.1-6 [337], 120 6-8;121.1-4 [338], 121.5-9;122.1-2 [339], 122.3-4;123.1-5 [340], 123.9;124.1-6;125.1 [341], 125.2-5;126.1-2 [342], 126.2-5;127.1-3 [343], 127.3-6;128.1-5 [344], 128.5-9;129.1-4 [345], 129.5-6;130.1-3;131.1-2 [346], 131.3-11 [347], 131.11-18 [348], 132.1-3;133.1-3;134.1 [349], 134.2-18 [350], 134.10-20 [351], 134.20-21;135.1-11 [352], 135.12-21 [353], 135.22-26;136.1-4 [354], 136.5-9;137.1 [355], 137.2-8 [356] Addendum [358] Addenda and corrigenda [360] Psalterium Sinaiticum [361] Plate 1 [363] Plate 2 [364] Plate 3 [366] Discription of the manuscript [367] Consideration in the preparation of this edition [374] | |
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